Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Bloggers of the world unite

Greetings fine folk of the internet. As I write this, my cardigan has almost dried out, my tea is by my side and for the umpteenth time in the last few weeks I am listening again to the upcoming album by Mr Uno Moller.

To which end we thought we put out a little appeal to the bloggers of planet earth to see if any of you kind folk would be game for having a listen to said release and maybe letting the world know what you make of it. We do try and keep up to date with the blogs and new sites as much as we can but its not always easy with so many of them arriving online every day. And there's only a couple of us!

If you would be up for getting involved and having a listen, then just drop us a line ( and send us the link to your bloggy blog and we will send you a link to the album.

Cant wait to meet you!

Lots of Love

Ps - Other current listening: Into It Over It - Proper, Katie Malco & The Slow Parade, The Sound of Rescue, Muddy Waters, new Twin Pines Mall album.

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